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How To Upgrade To A New Version Of The Java RESTful Engine

This article outlines the steps you should take when upgrading your Java RESTful Engine to a new version when it's availible. Check the Downloads Page for the most recent version.


All you need to upgrade the Java RESTful Engine to a newer version is the new ROOT.war file for the new version.


  1. Ensure that the RESTful Engine is not running (run the file in the bin folder)
  2. Delete the RESTful file in Tomcat/webapps (delete the ROOT directory and the ROOT.war file)

    If you have any special configurations in your file and don't want to go through setting it up again, we recommend you move the file from the RESTful directory before deleting it, and placing it in the new RESTful directory when its setup.

  3. After deleting the previous ROOT file and directory, paste the new one in the Tomcat/webapps directory
  4. To extract the WAR start the RESTful engine by running the file in the Tomcat/bin directory.
  5. Navigate to /opt/apache-tomcat-10.x.x/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/. Make sure you have the license key set in the
  6. Shutdown the engine by running the file in the Tomcat/bin, then start it up again by running the
  7. Your new Java RESTful engine is now setup and ready to use.